
Have you ever heard of Biophilia?

Create a home that nourishes your soul with the power of Biophilic Design!

What is Biophilia?

Biophilia is our innate need to be close to nature. We have been dependent on nature for our survival for millenia. What may be surprising is that we still need nature within our environment for us to thrive.

Biophilia is a design trend that is gaining momentum.  We can improve our wellbeing through being close to nature. 

  • We are drawn to  the seaside. 
  • We feel nourished or calmed by a woodland walk.
  • We are awed by the stars 

 Nature is part of who we are. Biophilia is improving wellbeing through being close to nature.

(Image credit:David Pyefinch)

What has Biophila got to do with home decor?

Bringing the outside in literally improves our health and quality of life. Studies have shown direct contact with nature can reduce our stress levels, reduce anxiety and depression, whilst  lowering our heart rate, reducing our blood pressure, and improving our immune responses and quality of sleep.

We spend 90% of our lives indoors! 

Our indoor environment has a profound impact on our wellbeing. By creating living spaces that echo the scale and tone of the natural environment we improve our health and longevity, and those of our families.

How can we use Biophilia in our homes?


Have physical contact with nature

  • Real flowers and plants
  • Real fires 
  • Fresh air
  • Open windows
  • Use real wood for furniture and fittings
  • Real stone for floors and table tops 
  • Decorative clay pottery for vases and dishes

(Image credit: Alexandra Gorn)

Let there be light!

Open blinds and curtains fully, get as much natural light as possible into your home.

For tips on how to get more light in your home, have a quick read of this blog post.

(Image credit:Alyssa Strohmann)

Use objects which remind you of  nature

  • Use patterns, colours, materials, or textures that you would find in nature.
  • Use natural colour palettes of nature inspired, greens, blues and earth tones – more on this here
  • Add natural textures such as wood and stone, wool, hessian, and rafferta.
  • Use wallpapers, soft furnishings such as cushions, curtains and throws to add nature-inspired patterns to you home.

I have a wide range of botanical wallpapers and soft furnishing in my Spoonflower shop here.

A room with a view 

If you have a natural view from a room in your home, of your garden, a woodland or fields or even the ocean ( you lucky sausage), use it!

  • In your lounge, move your sofa so it faces the window.
  • In your bedroom, move your bed to face the window.

(Image Credit: Fabian Kühne on Unsplash)

Just looking at nature reduces our heart rate and stress hormones. Who knew it was that easy!

How are you going to add some Biophilic design to your home?

Let me know in the comments – or tag me on Instagram so I can see! And get some inspo!

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